This year, we had some absolutely gorgeous weather during Easter weekend! On the Saturday, we were invited to go to the zoo with some of our friends who have memberships; we were so blessed to be able to spend some time with our families together! The wife is a fellow autism-mommy and she’s been a great person to navigate special-needs with. Nobody will understand your struggles the way other special needs parents will!
I definitely underestimated how warm it would be that day. I wore black and long sleeves/long pants … big mistake! We were absolutely baking whenever we had to stand in the direct sunlight! I don’t have too many pictures from this day but the kids had a great time exploring the different animal exhibits. We packed a picnic lunch and ate together near a grassy area where the kids could play while we watched. E had tons of fun but D is still on the younger side to really appreciate the zoo, I think. He kind of whined and clung to me the entire day … story of my life lately. Hah!
After seeing most of the animals we were interested in, both families headed over to an adjoining “carnival” area where there were rides for the kids to enjoy. D passed out at this point and took a nice nap in his stroller while Hubs took E to ride as many rides as she wanted. She looked so happy to be riding each ride, it made the hot weather and cranky brother worth it for me 🙂
On Easter Sunday, we went to church service in the morning followed by a casual Easter lunch (pizza take out hehe) and Easter egg hunt at our house with my friends. This is my second year hosting an Easter get-together and I liked this year’s so much better than last year’s! For one, last year it RAINED and the weather was so miserable. The kids were cooped up inside and only got to go outside for a tiny bit to do the egg hunt while there was a 10-minute lull in the rain. It was icky and wet and muddy. Yuck! We also did a potluck style thing last year and I think people were stressed about having their dish prepared before church and transporting everything. This year we just did cheap pizza take-out with some chips and fruit AND the weather was marvelous so the kids got to romp around in the backyard as much as they wanted.
I really wish I’d taken more pictures of the kids during the egg hunt. There were tons of eggs e v e r y w h e r e and the little munchkins were so adorable running around like lunatics. I think we have the perfect yard to do an egg-hunt type of thing, maybe we’ll host it again next year and make it a tradition! 🙂
In previous years, E hasn’t really understood the concept of an egg hunt and has therefore just stood to the side kind of aloof while others around her would go buckwild for eggs. This year, we practiced doing an egg hunt with her several times before the big day so on Easter Sunday, she knew exaaaactly what was up and what she was hunting for. I laughed at out loud after I looked in her basket though because she had obviously been mainly searching for the blue colored eggs!! (Her favorite color is blue.) That girl cracks me up like no other.
:). I’ve been watching up video clip of autism these days and following ido’s blog. i haven’t done it much since the early days of diagnosis. i think because this is autism awareness month. btw, we are thinking of putting lydia in soi. bringing back old memories as i’m talking with krista.